Creating a 95% Scrap Rate Reduction


Problem Statment

A manufacturer partnered with DISHER to reduce the scrap rate of an assembly from 7.7% to under 2% in six months.

Test and Measure

DISHER met with the customer’s team at their facility to observe the failure modes and define the problem.

Four possible contributors for the high scrap rate were identified. DISHER applied a Design of Experiment (DoE) to assess the relevance of each of the four factors in question. The current state was tested and measured.

Pictures of screws
Chart of DoE Process

Analyze and Recommend

DISHER and the customer analyzed the results from the plant trials and concluded that the screw type was the root cause. It was the most significant factor in causing the defects to occur. Backed by data, the team confirmed a recommendation to implement a design change which replaced the current screws with dog-point screws. The change was approved and implemented by the customer. The team verified the improvement through measurement.



Eighteen months later, the scrap rate went down from 7.7% to .35% on a production rate of 35,000 units a week. DISHER helped the customer achieve a 95% scrap rate reduction and increased throughput capacity.

Scrap Reduction Over Project Graph

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