How to Handle Your Mistakes with Customers


  No matter how hard we try to avoid making them, mistakes eventually find a path to our doorstep. Often times they sneak in through the back door and try to steal our reputation that we have worked so hard to build with our customers. We can be certain that mistakes will happen. We are…

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The Customer is Not Always Right

Just the other day I overheard one of our DISHER design engineers, say, “Well, the customer’s always right!” He was attempting to shrug off being trumped by his customer’s decision on a particular design direction. We’ve all heard this phrase before but this time it made me stop and think… If I argue with my…

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Seven Tips to Good Project Management

Gantt Chart for Project Management

Most project management classes teach the basic tools and how to use them. They’ll cover topics like risk analysis, budgeting, work breakdown structures and critical paths to name a few. These are fundamental tools for any good project manager to learn and know; however, by themselves, they will be nothing more than tasks to complete…

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The Tough Road to Innovation Success

Looking down the middle of a road towards a mountain

As the owner of our product development firm, I often get calls that go something like this, “I’m calling from Company XYZ and we have this idea for a new product and we’re not sure how to get it developed. Can you help me?”  As the conversation goes on, I sense that this company thinks their…

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