The Power of Having the Right Engineering Solutions

Two engineers looking at a mold flow analysis

As a manufacturer, product and process transformation never ends. Maybe you’re on the cusp of developing a new product. Perhaps you’re updating an existing product line or working on improving an outdated manufacturing process. Whether you’re looking for ways to enhance your product development or reduce inefficiencies in manufacturing-every day you rely on great engineering…

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How to Choose the Right Contract Provider for Software and Hardware/Electronics Design Support

Airplane in the Sky

Great software and hardware design isn’t easy. You’ve all read about Boeing. One of the largest aerospace manufacturers in the world experienced two fatal 737 crashes in recent years due to software issues. Compatibility problems arose due to insufficient testing and inadequate communication between software and hardware providers. This led to significant delays and operational…

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Human-Centered Design & Key Trends in Product Development

Augmented Reality being used in a factor setting

Have you ever heard of the Google Glass? Launched in 2013, Glass was a wearable technology device with an optical head-mounted display. It failed to gain traction with consumers. The problem was that the developers didn’t fully understand the needs and concerns of its target users. Users found the device intrusive, socially awkward, and expensive.…

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What Do Engineering Leaders Want Most?

Engineers sit around a table discussing a project with a customer

I recently had the opportunity to facilitate a value proposition exercise with leaders from four of our engineering business units. My company, DISHER, provides engineering talent for engineering teams involved in new product development, product engineering, process/manufacturing engineering, as well as electronics/hardware and software engineering. As a service provider, we need to connect to what…

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How to Create a Purpose-Driven Culture

A DISHER leader stands in front of a team meeting.

Empowerment through Purpose: Transforming Your Company Culture “When you’re surrounded by people who share a passionate commitment around a common purpose, anything is possible.” – Howard Schultz, Starbucks Whether you’re a manufacturer, supplier, nonprofit, or just getting started—having a clear organizational purpose matters. Maybe this sounds squishy to you or non-value-add. But a clear purpose…

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Driving Productivity Forward with Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs)

A THIRA AMR in a manufacturing plant

CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, states, “The way we look at manufacturing is this: the US’s strategy should be to skate where the puck is going, not where it is”. Manufacturing processes continue to improve with dramatic advances in robotics and automation. Labor-intensive, dangerous, and repetitive tasks like product assembly, materials handling, and logistics can…

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DISHER and THIRA ROBOTICS Join Forces to Unleash Advanced AMR Solutions in the US

Peter Kim, CEO of THIRA ROBOTICS, and Shawn O’Farrell, Area Lead for Manufacturing Technology for DISHER, form a partnership to deliver better AMR solutions for the US market.

On October 18, 2023, DISHER, a nationally recognized engineering, manufacturing tech, and talent recruitment firm based in Zeeland, Michigan, signed a Memorandum of Understanding agreement with THIRA ROBOTICS, a leading manufacturer of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs). THIRA AMRs are unique in that they can operate on any type of uneven, sloped, or damaged flooring. They…

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Unlocking Healthcare Breakthroughs: The Vital Role of Medical Device Development & Consulting

A group of engineers discuss a medical device cad design

Let’s look at a story that illustrates the power of innovative and collaborative medical device product development consulting. In a rapidly changing healthcare landscape, a prominent hospital faced some big challenges. They needed to improve patient care while reducing operational costs to compete. They turned to their primary medical device OEM for better ideas. The…

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Design for Manufacturing (DFM): A Complete Guide

DFM Blog Graphic

Once upon a time was a manufacturer who refused to apply Design for Manufacturability (DFM). The company crafted intricate metal sculptures for commercial use, but their unwillingness to simplify designs resulted in long production times and costly delays. The complex manufacturing process led to a constant drain on finances. Materials were expensive and skilled labor…

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Improve Your Product’s Speed to Market

Computer showing engineered designs and rocket coming out of it.

What Is Speed to Market? Speed to market is the time it takes to move a new product from concept to launch. Why is Speed to Market Critical to Market Demand? Consumers expect new products and features at a faster pace than before. Businesses need to stay ahead of the product development life cycle to…

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